EVOLVE (three months)


Step into the next evolution of yourself.

Despite any fogginess or doubt you may be feeling, you’re INFINITELY capable of meeting whatever life has placed in front of you and thriving on the other side of it.

I’m here to remind you of just how capable you are, to show you if need be. I’m here to help you expand your perception so that you can see your surroundings more clearly.

I’m here to help you build new “muscles,” new capabilities, and more behavioral versatility so you can thrive through your life.

Three months together and you will EVOLVE into more of who you wish to be!

This three-month program includes:

  • 6 private coaching sessions with Zoë (usually around 60 minutes each)

  • A custom-made comprehensive coaching program for you to keep you energized, focused, and playful along your journey!

  • Three or more tailor-made “practices” for you to build new skills + capabilities

  • Ongoing communication between sessions for extra support if you desire it

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Live your dreams.


Expansion Coaching is a journey where you will be learning how to embody more of your potential; your innate essence. It’s a journey of you becoming increasingly more YOU and feeling liberated in who you are as you interact with life. This journey often includes experimenting with new behaviors, exploring new practices, and shifting internal states. You will be completely supported along the way by me, Zoë, your coach. The ultimate goal of ANY coaching journey is simple: to live your most fulfilling life. What that entails is entirely unique unto you, and you will discover (more of) what that is along the way!


Once you’ve purchased your program, I’ll send you an email with the next steps to get our first session on the calendar. All sessions will be on Zoom; recorded if you so choose so that you can keep the recording and refer back.

Our first two coaching sessions will be in close succession. For sessions 3 and beyond we will meet about every two weeks so that you’ll have time to implement your program + practices between sessions. If questions or “ah-has” arise between sessions, I will be available for you via email.

TRANSFORM Coaching Program (six months)
EXPLORE Coaching Program (one month)